@php $originalkeyword = $subdomainData->meta_keywords; $productTitle = $productData->product_title; $originaldiscription = $subdomainData->meta_description; $originaltitle = $subdomainData->meta_title; $replacetitle = str_replace('keyword', $productTitle, $originaltitle); $replacekeyword = str_replace('keyword', $productTitle, $originalkeyword); $replacediscription = str_replace('keyword', $productTitle, $originaldiscription); @endphp @foreach($website as $web) {{ $replacetitle }} @endforeach @include('include.header-inner')
@php $originalShortDescription = $subdomainData->short_discription; $productTitle = $productData->product_title; $Description = $subdomainData->description; $replaceddescription = str_replace('keyword', $productTitle, $Description); $replacedDescription = str_replace('keyword', $productTitle, $originalShortDescription); @endphp
{{ $replacedDescription }}
Home / {{ $replacedDescription }}

{{ $replacedDescription }}

{!! htmlspecialchars_decode($replaceddescription) !!}

Our Products

Embark on a journey of well-being as you explore the diverse and enriching products offered by Aushadhi Herbal. Each product in our collection is a testament to the power of natural ingredients, meticulously crafted to elevate your health and vitality. Dive into the world of herbal excellence and discover a range that resonates with nature's wisdom.

@forelse($category as $index => $cat)
{{ $cat->product_category_title }}

No categories found.

@forelse($category as $index => $cat) @if($category && $cat->product_cat_id)
@foreach($products->where('product_cat', $cat->product_cat_id) as $product) @endforeach
@endif @empty

No categories found.

@include('contact-home') @include('include.footer-inner') @include('include.comman-end')